Friday, March 09, 2007

Notes from Tom Peters 'The Pursuit of WOW!'"

I just browsed though "The Pursuit of WOW!'", it was published while ago. Some of the snippets I liked from the book:

In the foreword he writes: "Being average has never had much appeal. Better to fail with flair in pursuit of something neat. While I think that's an idea for the ages, right now it takes on great urgency."

Here is an interesting question and answer:

Q: With employees having greater access to profit-and-loss statements, becoming subcontractors, etc., do you see them as potential threat - e.g, by taking their knowledge to, say, a competitor?

A: That's the wrong way to think about it. My concern is creating an environment where good people want to hang around. On the other hand, if they find an opportunity that's better than anything that we can offer them, I'm all for their taking it and advancing their careers. If they leave, I assume they'll behave honorably - I wouldn't have hired them in the first place if I din't think so. And besides, the trick for my company (for any sensible company!) is to keep topping itself - so any "stolen" secrets are secrets to yesterday's success.

He writes about perception:

Perception is all there is - manage it! There is no reality. There is only a perceived reality.

With out much commenting around what he writes, some of the other snippets I liked.

You CAN get away with all sorts of crap when things are going well - resist the temptation, because it'll come back to haunt you (or worse) when things go sour (as they will).

Be magnanimous in victory, even more so in defeat - tomorrow is another day.

There are no right answers - don't press your case too hard.

Stand back and admire the (long) view. We tend to get hopelessly involved in today's deal, today's victory, today's loss, today's whatever.

And I am going to end with what I liked most. Read the book your self for a pich of motivation.

Putting customers in Their Place:

"The customer comes second." Love the title! Who comes first? Don't be silly, it's employees. If you genuinely want to put customers first, you must put employees more first.
You get it, right?

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